This is our new digs for these last 4 days here. We invite you to check it out at
http://www.greenstropicalbeachhouse.com click on the virtual tour and you'll get the full picture. I was lucky enough to find them on craig's list and a studio rental was $65 (total) a night...right by the beach...what a great deal. We felt very blessed when we arrived and found out we had been "up-graded", for the same price, to the upper house instead of a downstairs "studio"! Life is Good indeed. It was sunny all day today and about 80 degrees. The best weather so far. Within minutes of talking to Cindy, the owner, she told us she would be moving back to CA at the end of the summer because her 1st grandbaby is due. She wants to discuss with us a possible "caretakers" situation. Whoa, infinite possibilites as Bonnie would also like us back, in fact, she wanted us for 3 weeks in latter March early April, but we're already booked. This would be a great place to have an entire family together for a week or so! Our grandkids would love it here (our kids, too). Here are the top 10 things I love about Kauai:
1. The Ocean...the gorgeous color and it's warm
2. The flowers...exploding, vibrant color everywhere
3. The "Aloha" of the people...everyone is so friendly
4. Being able to have the windows open all the time so the tradewinds can blow through and keep things cool...not muggy
5. The moisture that keeps your skin soft and plumped up...haven't had to use lotion since I've been here
6. The landscape...ocean, beaches, cliffs, canyons, waterfalls, rivers, farmland and jungle all within a few miles of each other...it's so lush and green everywhere
7. The temperature...usually never warmer than 80 or lower than 68
8. The night sky filled with stars
9. Rainbows
10. There is soooo much to do or you can do nothing and watch the waves and be perfectly content